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Accelerator Beyond

The ultimate Solutions Architect Community

We've loved having you in our community so we're making it easy and affordable to stay with us.  If you cannot afford one of the below options, please contact us. 

Pick your price

Choose whichever price below you feel comfortable paying monthly, and click "Register". 

Accelerator Beyond


Valid until canceled


Standard Plan

Use promo code "27-beyond" at checkout.


Premium Plan

Includes 1x1 sessions with Sean every 3 months to discuss your architecture, resume or anything work related.

This option also sponsors someone who couldn't afford this program.  

Pick your price

Choose whichever price below you feel comfortable paying monthly for your situation. 

Accelerator Beyond


Valid until canceled

  1. Choose a Promo Code below

  2. Click "Register"

  3. Enter the Promo Code at checkout


Promo code:  12-beyond


Promo code: 20-beyond


Promo code: [leave blank]

Pick this option if you want to sponsor someone who could not afford this program.  

What's included

Continued access to current and Future Lessons

We have some amazing lessons coming up for Fabric, Advanced API Syncs, Governance and more!

Exclusive Monthly calls only for former participants

Now that we all know the fundamentals, let's push our skills further with new guest speakers and even trickier architectural problems so we always pick the "right solution". 

Access to Questions Forum so you're Never Stuck

You don't have to solve it all by yourself!  Keep using the questions forum and get the community's perspective on your questions.

Personalized Feedback

Just like in the Architects Accelerator, you will be getting personalized feedback on any work you submit; never doubt if you're building things right. 

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